World Food Day, Ini 5 Makanan Indonesia yang Mendunia
World Food Day, Ini 5 Makanan Indonesia yang Mendunia
World Food Day, Ini 5 Makanan Indonesia yang Mendunia


World Food Day: 5 Globally Renowned Indonesian Dishes

16 October 2023


Every year on October 16, countries around the globe celebrate World Food Day. While the theme of this day changes annually, this year's theme is 'Water is Life: Water is food - Leave no one behind".


For those unfamiliar, World Food Day was established to raise awareness about food sources and pressing issues such as hunger and food security. A significant step towards ensuring food security is promoting the consumption of local and seasonal foods.


Indonesia, globally known as an agricultural nation, naturally boasts a diverse culinary landscape. It's no wonder that several Indonesian dishes have made a mark on the international scene.


Known for its rich variety—from sweet snacks to spice-laden dishes—here are 5 Indonesian foods that have garnered global acclaim. Ready to dive in?




5 Globally Acclaimed Indonesian Dishes




Although there's been some controversies with neighboring countries, Rendang stands tall as an iconic Indonesian dish.


Rendang khas Minang, Sumatera Barat


Hailing from the Minangkabau region of West Sumatra, this dish has captivated global palates with its array of spices complementing its core ingredients. While traditionally Rendang is crafted from beef or buffalo, variations using chicken, eggs, and shellfish are also popular.


The Rendang method involves a slow-cooking process, where the meat, spices, and coconut milk are cooked together, resulting in an intricate yet harmonious flavors.


Recognized for its deliciousness, Rendang has made multiple appearances on CNN's List of the World's Best Foods and notably claimed the top spot in 2017.






Another Indonesian delicacy that has garnered international attention is Rawon. This signature dish from East Java made headlines when Taste Atlas declared it the world's tastiest food in July 2023.


Rawon khas Jawa Timur


The defining characteristic of Rawon is its deep, black sauce derived from the kluwek fruit, which imparts its unique flavor. Typically, Rawon consists of beef slow-cooked with traditional spices such as lime leaves, lemongrass, ginger, chili, and, of course, kluwek.


In its native region, it's traditionally served piping hot alongside a plate of rice, garnished with green bean sprouts, salted egg, and shrimp crackers. For an added zest, a squeeze of lime and a dash of chili sauce can be added.


Fried Rice


Who isn't familiar with this dish? Fried rice is arguably one of the most easy-to-find foods in Indonesia. While many rice-consuming nations have their own variations of fried rice, it might come as a surprise that the original recipe isn't Indonesian!


Nasi Goreng makanan Indonesia


Indonesian fried rice draws inspiration from its Chinese counterpart but sets itself apart with the inclusion of sweet soy sauce—a distinctly Indonesian ingredient. This addition gives the dish its unique flavor, distinguishing it from versions in other countries.


Moreover, various regions within Indonesia boast their own unique recipes—don't miss out on the vibrant red fried rice from Sulawesi or the spice-rich Acehnese fried rice.






Don't let its bland flavor deceive you—tempeh's versatility allows it to be transformed into an array of dishes. Whether it's simply fried, mashed in chili sauce, turned into lodeh soup, chips, or even used as a meat substitute in burgers, the possibilities are endless.


Tempe makanan Indonesia


While tempeh might often be taken for granted in Indonesia due to its affordability, its price can skyrocket overseas!


Packed with protein from fermented soybeans, many—especially in Western countries—are embracing tempeh as an alternative to animal-based proteins.


Its nutritional richness and eco-friendly production have earned it the title of a 'superfood' in some circles, with many even touting it as the food of the future. This makes us even prouder to enjoy our tempeh!




Sweet Martabak


Also known as the terang bulan in some parts of Indonesia, sweet martabak or martabak manis has recently captivated a global audience. Numerous international vloggers and influencers can't resist featuring this treat, especially during their visits to Indonesia. Its allure lies in the thick dough generously adorned with a variety of toppings.


Martabak makanan Indonesia


Traditionally, sweet martabak is embellished with a combination of chocolate sprinkles and crushed peanuts, or a delightful mix of chocolate and cheese. Yet, as its popularity soars, vendors are getting creative, introducing novel toppings like matcha or green tea spreads and chunks of premium chocolate.


If you have a penchant for sweet martabak, ensure you don't miss the classic flavors—black sticky rice and coconut shavings. Absolutely delicious!




The natural wealth of each region of Indonesia makes this country has different food sources. Take the time to explore the richness of Indonesian cuisine in each of your agenda.


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